Image search results - "Tatra" |

Tatra61 viewssides

TatraInside 362 viewsPimpin

TatraInside 271 viewsAny rig always has an Air Ride seat for the driver

Tatra side again68 viewsnow with reinforcements

TatraDash62 views

TatraTop61 viewsreinforcement lines and hatches

Attack!61 viewsOur invasion force has a Tank and a Tatra 815 Missle Launcher, their tank won't know what hit 'em!

Tatra Reconfigured62 viewsWe are in the Entryway, getting ready for an attack on the Kitchen.

Much mo' Tatra.61 viewsAdded fake frame, and tossed something in the back.

No, seriously. It RIDES again.60 viewsOne of the few things that can dwarf a 20' deathmobile...

Tatra Jeepin'54 viewscrappy size comparison

Tatra HMMWV Evo 856 viewsmockup with scale