Most viewed - Nasphere's Gallery |

Spin Blade crash test91 viewsFlying the Spin Blade from RadioShack.....

SE mod test drive87 views

Motherboard Climbing Adventure87 views

SE mod Climb n crawl test86 views

rotofly75 views

Diff project 364 viewsoutput shafts and spider gears.

its a PCB!! WOW!!!63 viewsSoon to be in my ZZM teehee

Tank drive.58 viewsShows the driveline of the Z-tank. Worm gears with LOTS of reduction gears!

SE mod 657 views

Mid-engine 656 viewsunder the PCB (sloppy solder on the motor can), mostly to show off the motor placement

Custom rotor head stiffener for the rotofly56 views

Z-craft/tanks in boxes55 viewsMostly taken to show the different sizes.
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