Top rated - Cabo's bitPimps Themed Sleds |

bitPimps VW Beetle266 viewsI made this for our 2nd place prize in the "bitPimps End Of The Year Blow-Out 2003" contest.
The car body and controller and painted to match.     (4 votes)

bitPimps Keep On Truckin'146 viewsClick here to discuss it in the forums     (1 votes)

bitPimps VW Beetle125 viewsMatching body with a custom fade using the bitPimps website colors.     (1 votes)

bitPimps VW Beetle109 viewsThe controller has a custom fade paint job using the bitPimps website colors.
I added decals like the classic babe pose, the bitPimps logo, and the controllers frequency.
I also switched out the charging cover.     (1 votes)