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GTR-2000 Earl Shives Special325 viewsThe black with white and orange stripes just make this a mean looking beast.     (3 votes)

GTR-2000 Earl Shives Special334 viewsI was thinking "Smokey and the Bandit" the whole time I painted this mutha.     (3 votes)

Subaru WRX Sedan173 viewsI used a pearl light blue for the body color.     (2 votes)

Auto-Mobile Fiesta GTR R32199 viewsThis baby got the special treatment with a burnt orange and gold.     (2 votes)

Kermit the Frog's GTR R32224 viewsChopped off the fins on each side of the front bumper.
SOLD     (2 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree109 viewsNow this baby is ready for some flossin in da hood!     (1 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree105 viewsThe Jota came with a Super-Bit chassis, so I bought a Super-Bit Pullback and transferred the pullback wheels to the chassis.     (1 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree102 viewsAfter filling in, sanding and smoothing - I decided on a nice dark metallic blue for the color.     (1 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree101 viewsThe hood had some sort of filter sticking out and the wing in the rear that sat high on the rear window ended up getting the chop as well.     (1 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree97 viewsI decided that I wanted my Jota to look a little more sleek, smooth, and clean as compared to the original.     (1 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree112 viewsI took it easy and decided I would just do some body modding and not any kind of real chopping.     (1 votes)

Midnight Jota Jamboree109 viewsAfter a few months of not modding, I decided to come back with this Lamborghini Jota.     (1 votes)