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Honda & VW197 viewsHere are my Summer twins. One for me, and one for my lady.     (2 votes)

completed with lights244 views     (2 votes)

VW Bus Airbrush881 viewsSinned writes: Here can you see my first Contact with my Airbrush and small Scales!
I have done more Bodys(Training for better Style with my Airbrush)...hope you like it a little bit!!
Its just Training!!     (2 votes)

toyota echo.176 viewshavent seen many of these shells around. i did a real bad masking job on this one.     (2 votes)

GTR272 viewsThis was my first paint job on a bit, it was also my favorite chassis, I had it set-up just perfect for my bit track it was an awesome little car untill one sad afternoon when I forgot to shut off the charger and melted the chassis. The body survived fine but the spirit of the car died.     (2 votes)

Del Sol279 viewsThis ride makes me so nostalgic. The del Sol is a pimp ricer and this little MS chop job likes to represent.     (2 votes)

Microsash902 views28-Mar-04     (2 votes)

Cali-Style Beetle221 views     (2 votes)

Cali-Style Beetle187 views     (2 votes)

Datsun 510923 viewsYagbols writes: Hello! I was about to give up the hobby, but...     (2 votes)
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