"Real" micro r/c

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"Real" micro r/c

Post by payaso »

Well, I got my SE back from micro_amps, and this thing is truely a dream car... I don't know how else to put it.

I won't go into a big ole schpeal on it, cause you pretty much gotta drive one to actually see, and feel. I will say this though. Ever since micro rc cars hit the market, I've wanted a super fast camaro with good steering, and torque.

I'm done looking now... If you ever buy another micro, get the SE, and have a FET mod done.

That's all

silla :D
payaso...... :)

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Post by SuperFly »

But now you're into that car the same as an Xmod, eh? I'm not dissing your decision at all, in fact I'm thinking about doing the same thing. Hue35 and I have had some of the best racing ever with xmods lately, but I've been missing my bits. Do you have any other mosfetted cars, and if so, is the ZZ SE comparable?

I have a question for anyone who's done the mosfet mod to a ZZ SE: is it any harder than doing it to a MS Pro? I haven't looked too hard at CD's info on it yet, but now that it's getting cold outside, I'm thinking about busting out the soldering iron and dropping $25 at RS. The only thing that really makes me hesitate is I find that even with proportional steering and speed, I still drive my xmod like a bit: wheel cranked all the way to either side and gas on or off. Then again, I drive my 1:1 that way too.
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Post by payaso »

SuperFly wrote:But now you're into that car the same as an Xmod, eh?.

Price wise? Yeah, it's around that. maybe a little bit more than a X-Mod, but I'm not too concerned about the price as much as I am about the size.

When I think about all the money I've pissed away on stupid shit, this doesn't seem that bad. I've just wanted a micro that ran like a 1/10 scale car.. Now I have it.

I don't have any FETed bits, mainly cause I just never thought my bits lacked in power like the ZZ SEs

They will be one of these days, but it wasn't needed like ZZ.

It may be pricey for some, but I can deal with it. I almost spent a $100 on a puchi maru, and now that I have this for a little cheaper, I feel like it's a score. Plus mine has PHAT alloys on it.

I say go for it..

silla :D
payaso...... :)

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Post by VooDooMafia »

SuperFly wrote:But now you're into that car the same as an Xmod, eh? I'm not dissing your decision at all, in fact I'm thinking about doing the same thing. Hue35 and I have had some of the best racing ever with xmods lately, but I've been missing my bits. Do you have any other mosfetted cars, and if so, is the ZZ SE comparable?

I have a question for anyone who's done the mosfet mod to a ZZ SE: is it any harder than doing it to a MS Pro? I haven't looked too hard at CD's info on it yet, but now that it's getting cold outside, I'm thinking about busting out the soldering iron and dropping $25 at RS. The only thing that really makes me hesitate is I find that even with proportional steering and speed, I still drive my xmod like a bit: wheel cranked all the way to either side and gas on or off. Then again, I drive my 1:1 that way too.
Well I know that CD and ph2t are working on the fully fetted SE mod but not sure were they are on the progress. I know that micro amps has done it and has also modded a few of them but has yet to release any kind of info on the forums on this mod.

From what I hear they are bettter then a fetted MS/Bit except for the torque. I am thinking that the pulsed gas/break have something to do with this but not 100% sure.

None the less I can't wait for my se's to be fetted :)
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Post by payaso »

VooDooMafia wrote:From what I hear they are bettter then a fetted MS/Bit except for the torque.

The torque is fantastic on these.. I can climb the same grades as my bits.

And now I can do something i couldn't do before with my bits. Crawl with slow torque.

silla :D
payaso...... :)

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Post by VooDooMafia »

payaso wrote:
VooDooMafia wrote:From what I hear they are bettter then a fetted MS/Bit except for the torque.

The torque is fantastic on these.. I can climb the same grades as my bits.

And now I can do something i couldn't do before with my bits. Crawl with slow torque.

silla :D
I am sure the torque is great I just ment that I have heard (from other fet se owners) that the torque when you take off is not as good as a fetted MS/bit.

I have no doubts in my mind that it will be more then I need :)
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Post by CaboWabo »

wait a sec...
isn't the majority of the money spent on the SE the shipping for the mod?
I haven't been following the xmods all that closely but from what I can tell, you spent 85 to 100 to get an xmod and a few upgraded parts.

versus 65 for a zipzap se, mosfet mod, and shipping across the globe.
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Post by payaso »

Well, the SE of mine has blue 12.1 gears, and a NX motor with alloys on it, and when I hit the throttle on the lowest setting, it still peels out a little bit.

If I just floor it, it'll sit and do doughnuts like it's 1/1 scale big brother..

The torque on the FET modded bits must be totally insane.

silla :D
payaso...... :)

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Post by VooDooMafia »

payaso wrote:Well, the SE of mine has blue 12.1 gears, and a NX motor with alloys on it, and when I hit the throttle on the lowest setting, it still peels out a little bit.

If I just floor it, it'll sit and do doughnuts like it's 1/1 scale big brother..

The torque on the FET modded bits must be totally insane.

silla :D
The torque a a fetted(well mine anyway) in insane lol its like going from Stop to 5th and hitting the nitros button all in a matter of a second
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Post by crazydave »

CaboWabo wrote:wait a sec...
isn't the majority of the money spent on the SE the shipping for the mod?
I haven't been following the xmods all that closely but from what I can tell, you spent 85 to 100 to get an xmod and a few upgraded parts.

versus 65 for a zipzap se, mosfet mod, and shipping across the globe.
Thank you cabo. That's what I'm saying.

I'm at a loss as to what micro_amps is doing to get full power to the FETs, so now that ph2t has a SE of his own, the ball is in his court.

Mean while, I'm getting me an Xmod.
payaso wrote:The torque on the FET modded bits must be totally insane.
Yes it is. Oh yes it is.

It's too much for me, really. I think my half FETed cars are ideal for practical racing.

If micro_amp's FETed SEs don't quite have the punch of a bit, I'm sure it's still gots plenty.

Hopefully ph2t's buffer/inverter idea is working out for him.

So how is that working out, ph2t? :-)
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Post by hogjowlz »

ses steer great but have ass torque. so when cd and ph2t crack the fet mystery ill run it more but until now im loving the xmod. i sorta came up with an indoor track. yesterday i took it out on wet pavement and woohoo donuts.

cabo: really for xmods you gota spend about 80bucks to make it cool. 50 for the car 25 for the charger and batteries and 5 for the light kit. ill get the motors and bearings soon, but they aint needed. stock they run like a bat outa hell.
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Post by SuperFly »

What hog said.

Xmods out of the box are fun as hell. If you just ran it stock you would have tons of fun, but RS is smart and knows that people like me will buy all the upgrades just to check them out. They all do enhance performance (aside from the "looks" mods, and I don't have a use for the foam tires), but are not necessary for good driving.

Really, I think Payaso has the right idea with "but I'm not too concerned about the price as much as I am about the size," if you're going to make comparisons. Because you get SO much for $50 with a stock Xmod starter kit. The physics of driving it are so much closer to the real thing. But, you need room to drive it. Also, I think there's something really cool about "micros."

I have a ZZ with a mosfetted MS Pro PCB transplant, effectively a $50+ car. I can't say that the performance is twice as good as a one-speed MS with mosfets, which costs me less than $20. When the cost of a micro crosses the $30-$40 threshold for me, I have to question whether it's worth it.
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Post by CaboWabo »

well, after several months of driving just about every combo of micro r/c. (1:64)
I'll have to say my fastest car by far is the dual cell 150.
it smokes mosfet pro's, mosfet stocks, stocks, etc.

now if I could get that same speed in my se (which I'm not super fond of in the first place), I think I'd have a much higher opinion of the se's.

I haven't gotten into the xmods for the same reason why I never got into mini-z, scale.

the price is a total bonus (1:64), but probably not my main feature.
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Post by VooDooMafia »

Yep I agree with the whole scale thing, if you have the room to race/play with the larger scales then great but if you dont its kinda hard to drop any amount of cash on them knowing its just gonna sit on the shelf.

Right now I would have to say my fav car to play with is my digi Q R, it is fast handles great and super small. The SE's (although I like them) have crap run times, atleast the one I just got does. I can charge it 3 or 3 times and still only get a few minutes of runtime and thats a big factor for me as I dont want to spend more time charging then playing.
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Post by hogjowlz »

its funny how you guys who started out in a bigger scale refuse to go back in that direction. i was never into rc stuff before i found bits. now i want a big gas powered. ha no i dont. but xmods are still great.
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