Pull Start Repair

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Pull Start Repair

Post by sg219 »

I can't find anywhere, on how to fix it, so I went about it myself.

The Problem & Project....

Pull cord would not return.

Need to fix it or I can't start the ride.


Step 1)Romove the gay purple exhaust pipe that ride has attached to it. This makes it easy to get to the whole mechinism of the pull start.


Step 2)Deanodize that gay ass purple shit and polish it to make it look non-gay. Now set it aside and we'll get back to the repair at hand and see the finished non-purple-pipe later.

Step 3)Remove the pull start assembly carefully. I didn't. When you do it.....

a)Remove all the allen screws.
b)Pry away the cover carefully with a flathead or a knife.
c)Slide the knife down the backside till you hit the starting bolt. (Not sure of the tech term for starting bolt.)
d)If you can get the knife behind the bolt and pull it out with the assembly, do it.

It should look something like this when you get it off of the motor.



Step 3) If you removed that safely without the coil coming undone, you're ahead of the game. If it did spring out. Push back in carefully and snugly.

Step 3)Re-tie your string to the inside of the spool. Tightly, but with a SMALL knot. You don't want the knot to get in the way of the bolt when you put it back together. Trim any excess.



Step 4)Wind the string back onto the spool. !!!Caution!!! At this point you need to make sure you are winding the string in the correct direction of the pull. I'm not sure how all pull starts are wound, but I wound mine the right way. :)

Step 4)The sorta tricky part. This is NOT what you want to end up with.


You don't want a limp rope. Do ya?

That was my first try. I did it better the second time around.

On the inside of the cover, there is a small circle with a slot in it. You need to put the "? mark-like" end of the coil into it and add tension at the same time. Two things at once. Sorry. Throw your gum out now. :lol:

Grab some needle nose pliers or Hemo's, you'll need them here.

Place the spool back into the cover with the coil facing down. Gently.

Now you should have a general idea of how to go about doing this by now, unless you wear a hockey helmet and eat with plastic sporks daily.

You need to grab the end of the coil in the center of the spool and turn the case a few times until the cord becomes tight. Now that the rope is tight, put about 3 or 4 more turns into it. You will need it for good pull start tension. Go until it seems right to you.

Now press the "? mark-like" section into the circle and line up the slot with the main part of the coil. Make sure you press it in there good and try not to bend the "?" shape that much, it needs to keep its shape to stay in place.


By now you should have a good erect puller.

Step 5)Remove the bolt that is in the side of the motor that I mentioned earlier. Place it in the spool where it meets the motor. You'll see where it goes.

Step 6)Place the assembly back onto the motor, lining up the bolt with the bolt hole and the holes on the cover.

Hold in place and put a couple of screws back in, to hold the assembly in place for a test pull.

Step 7)Test pull gently the first time. Then try again with a little more ass behind it you pansy. It should work just like new if you wound up enough tension on the coil. If it's not to your liking remove it and try to wind up a few more turns. I did.


Step 8) Put your manly looking non-purple exhaust pipe back on properly.

Grab your favorite GREEN speed ties and attach it in the correct places.




So much better. :cool:

Now that thats back together you can remove everything on your upperdeck and polish it and wash out your fuel tank and replace that stripped servo.


Put everything back together and go rip some shit up!!!!!
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Post by payaso »

Awesome man... Now that's how the shit's done people.

Pics and everything.

Good job sg.

silla :D
payaso...... :)

"Imagination is everything. It's the preview to lifes coming attractions" -Albert Einstein
Posts: 4244
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:00 pm
Location: Kennywood, PA

Post by sg219 »

payaso wrote:Awesome man... Now that's how the shit's done people.

Pics and everything.

Good job sg.

silla :D
Thanks. :-)

I hope it helps someone with the same problem I had.

Now I need a new servo. :-(
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