Last additions - ripper7777777's Gallery |

GTR272 viewsThis was my first paint job on a bit, it was also my favorite chassis, I had it set-up just perfect for my bit track it was an awesome little car untill one sad afternoon when I forgot to shut off the charger and melted the chassis. The body survived fine but the spirit of the car died.Apr 06, 2004

Drag & Stang109 viewsThese are the vehicles I have become known for. They are both powered by 4 celll packs and yes they are fast.Apr 06, 2004

Just another pic96 viewsOne last Detail shot.
You can see more pics at my Home page - 24, 2004

Pit Area103 viewsA detailed view of the pit area and the fence behind it.Mar 24, 2004
Last viewed - ripper7777777's Gallery |

Battling Skylines106 viewsThis is a pic of 2 Epoch Skylines I did for a customer. It gives a good size compatison of the details on the track.Apr 15, 2022 at 06:06 PM

Micro RC Grand Raceway 2117 viewsThis Track replaced the Original Micro RC Grand Raceway. When I stepped up into the epoch realm I needed a little more space. This track is also great for dual cell ZZ's and Bits, plenty of room to test the throttle. The track itself folds back up on to the table and the Overall Dims are 8'x7' and the average lane width is 12". I hated destroying the other track but once this one was complete, I quickly forgot the old track.Apr 15, 2022 at 06:05 PM

Pit Area103 viewsA detailed view of the pit area and the fence behind it.Apr 15, 2022 at 06:05 PM

Just another pic96 viewsOne last Detail shot.
You can see more pics at my Home page - 15, 2022 at 06:05 PM