Archive for February, 2003

Rollin’ On Dubs, Thanks To Pullbacks

by CaboWabo

First off, you’re going to need 2 pullbacks obviously, you’re wanting to get a set of 4 rear pullback wheels and a set of 4 front pullback wheels. That means you’re going to end up with 2 bits skatin on daytons along with 2 extra bodies! You?re going to need 2 rear axles with the gear to put the new pullback wheels on and small drill bit, slightly smaller in diameter to the front pins being used. And of course you?ll need the essential hobby knife.

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Pullbacks Overview

by CaboWabo

2000 GTRSay hello to our little friend… the pullback.
What is a pullback you ask? It is a car you put on the floor, pull back to wind it up, let go and it takes off. It’s not a radio controlled car.

So now you’re probably wondering what’s so special about these little things when we’re into R/C versions of the same thing? Mainly, people are interested in the tires, rims, and the body, those all are compatible with Bits and are slightly different items than what you could normally get for your Bit, and it’s rather in-expensive. You’ll also notice that the back rims and tires a slightly wider than the front.

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Bit MPH Calculator

by CaboWabo

This tool uses an “approximation” to figure out your speeds. Results will vary based upon user’s input, we hope you find it fun and useful!

It should also be noted that this “calculator” is approximate because it uses 1/70 as the scale size for a Bit. (As I was told, this was the closest scale to an actual Bit)

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Alloy Rims

by payaso

Alloy RimsI’ve read in other threads in other forums about these alloy bit rims from the German site, and about how nice they are, and about how much they improve handling, and this, that, and the other thing, and for pros only, and blah blah blah……

I was lucky enough to aquire a couple sets of these rims and tires through a friend of mine in Germany, and they are this, that, and the other thing, and a bag of chips. I guess they have re-designed them to be easier to install, because there’s no more drilling involved.

ToolsThe tools required for this job are: X-acto knife, superglue, wire cutters, and a phone book.

The parts required for this job are: Metal stock from your local hobby shop, and small nails.

After you get the gear off, you can start the assembly process. You will need to cut a new axle for this mod. The one originally on the bit is too long and fat because of the nubs that hold the plastic wheel on. Cut your new axle to exactly 1 inch, put the gear on, and push the wheels on to see where they need to be glued. They should be snug to the chassis, but not too snug. Very little play. After you do this, glue the rims in place with the gear in the middle. When the glue is dry, slide the gear to the left side and glue it in place. It’s that easy…

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